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Canadian Parenting Coordinators Association, CPCA

Parenting Coordination Legislation Passes in North Carolina

by Barbara Bartlett, Tulsa, OK

On July 27, 2005, North Carolina joined seven other states
with new Parenting Coordination laws.  Similar to the Okla-
homa and Idaho statutes, North Carolina limts the Parent
Coordinator's (PC) authority to compliance and implemen-
tation.  The PC may not modify existing orders, and the
court exercises exclusive control of custody, visitation and
support.  Additionally, the PC may be appointed without
     The statute follows AFCC's new Guidelines for Parenting
Coordination by assuring that the PC is highly qualified.
The PC must have background and training in working
with high conflict families of divorce.  The PC's training is
to continue with involvement in peer review and support.
The statute also prevents dual roles of the PC and
disallows any other professional service to be rendered
by the PC to the same parties.
     The most distinctive provision to the North Carolina
statute is a mandatory meeting for the involved parties
with the judge, attorneys, and the PC. The parties are
clearly informed about the PC's role, authority, and
responsibilities. Information available to the PC, rules
of communication and fee payment are also determined.
     The North Carolina PC statute can be found at by following the " Bills Signed by the
Governor" link and clicking House Bill link "H1221."

from AFCC NEWS, Volume 24, Number 4, Fall 2005, page 9

Note that the "seven other states" that Barbara made reference to are:

Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Oregon, and Texas.



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